
The rmi command removes images from the local registry.

<options> available:
  -a, --all                  Remove all images from the local machine or all matching images if argument is specified
      --all-users            Applies command to images stored in all users folder
  -f, --force                Attempts to stop running images
      --format=VALUE         Use the specified format for output. Supported values: json

Use the -a flag to remove all images at one time. Note that this operation cannot be undone.

# Remove an image by specifying it by name
> turbo rmi my-image

Image my-image was removed

# Remove all images with the -a flag
> turbo rmi -a

All images have been removed

If the same image is forked or tagged multiple times then the rmi command will only untag the specified name, not remove the image itself.

> turbo images

ID            Name                    Tag  Created                Size
--            ----                    ---  -------                ----
7a85fe8f7ad1  chocolatey/chocolatey        8/22/2014 11:34:19 AM  3.6 MB
7a85fe8f7ad1  chocolatey-forked       1.0  8/22/2014 12:00:01 PM  3.6 MB

> turbo rmi chocolatey/chocolatey

Image chocolatey/chocolatey was untagged

> turbo images

ID            Name                Tag  Created                Size
--            ----                ---  -------                ----
7a85fe8f7ad1  chocolatey-forked   1.0  8/22/2014 12:00:01 PM  3.6 MB

> turbo rmi chocolatey-forked:1.0

Image chocolatey-forked:1.0 was removed

JSON output

When --format=json option was passed this command will provide output in JSON format. It will contain either an images array with information about removed images or an error object if command failed.