
The config command displays and allows modification of the current configuration settings.

Usage: config <options>

<options> available:
      --add-trusted-source=VALUE    Add a source hub to the trusted sources list. Use * to trust all hubs by default.
      --all                         Prints all configuration values
      --all-users                   Applies the configuration settings to All Users
      --as-inherit                  Sets the All Users settings as the inherited values which can be overridden by the
      --as-override                 Sets the All Users settings as the values which override the user values
      --block-trusted-source=VALUE  Add a source hub to the blocked sources list. Use * to block all hubs by default.
      --container-path=VALUE        Overrides container storage to the specified path
      --debug-vm-path=VALUE         Path to debug VM
      --disable=VALUE               Disables a feature: DirectDownload, MergeIsolation, TurboDrive, LocalNetworkAccess,
                                      ExecutableCache, AutoPrecache, Subscriptions, AutoRegister
      --domain=VALUE                The domain to log into
      --enable=VALUE                Enables a feature: DirectDownload, MergeIsolation, TurboDrive, LocalNetworkAccess,
                                      ExecutableCache, AutoPrecache, Subscriptions, AutoRegister
      --format=VALUE                Use the specified format for output. Supported values: json
      --gc-expiration=VALUE         The number of days a session can be unused before it can be garbage collected. Set
                                      to 0 to disable.
      --gci-expiration=VALUE        The number of days an image can be unused before it can be garbage collected. Set
                                      to 0 to disable.
      --gci-interval=VALUE          The number of minutes between automatic image garbage collection checks. Set to 0
                                      to disable.
      --gc-interval=VALUE           The number of minutes between automatic session garbage collection checks. Set to 0
                                      to disable.
      --image-cache-size=VALUE      Limits the maximum image cache size, in megabytes. Set to 0 for unlimited.
      --image-path=VALUE            Overrides image storage to the specified path. Supported values: full path, or "
                                      allusers" to use the system wide shared folder.
      --no-domain-verify            Disables verification of the domain. Setting the domain without verification may
                                      result in slower performance during runtime and is not recommended.
      --permission=VALUE            Specifies the permission for the affected settings. Supported values: inherit, write
      --remove-trusted-source=VALUE Remove a source hub from the trusted sources list. Use * to restore default
      --reset                       Reset configuration to default values
      --storage-path=VALUE          Path to local container and image storage
      --subscription-interval=VALUE The number of minutes between subscription update checks. Defaults to 20 minutes.
      --using=VALUE                 Use specified images as temporary dependencies
      --wait-after-error            Leave session open after error
      --wait-after-exit             Leave session open after it exits

If turbo config is executed without command line parameters then the current settings are returned.

To modify any settings, specify them as command line flags and assign a value to the flag. This value will then be applied to that setting.

Change the Server

The server that Turbo will connect to, and thus push to and pull from, can be configured with the --domain flag.

By default, Turbo is configured to connect to

Change the Storage Path

The storage path points to the directory where images and containers are saved. By default, images and containers are saved in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Turbo\Containers. Use the --storage-path flag to set the storage path to a different location.

Storage paths can be based off of an environment variable. Please ensure when entering the environment variables from a command prompt it is escaped otherwise the command prompt will resolve the variable: turbo config --storage-path=^%APPDATA^%\Turbo --all-users

It may be more efficient to share a repository of images in multi-user environment while keeping container storage in a separate, per user location.

Use the --container-path flag to specify a new location for container storage.

Finally, the storage path can also be overwritten by the TURBOREPO environment variable which may be useful for testing an alternate location quickly without updating the client configuration.

Set the Image Cache Size

The image cache size flag will set the amount of disk space local images will consume before deleting lesser prioritized images. Set the value to 0 for unlimited cache size. The default value unlimited.

> turbo config 
Image cache size: unlimited

# Set cache size to 2 GB
> turbo config --image-cache-size=2048
Image cache size: 2.00 GB

# Back to unlimited
> turbo config --image-cache-size=0
Image cache size: unlimited


# Set container and image root path to C:\ProgramData\Turbo\Containers
> turbo config --storage-path=C:\ProgramData\Turbo\Containers

# Set the container storage path to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Turbo\Containers\sandboxes
> turbo config --container-path=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Turbo\Containers\sandboxes

> turbo config
Hub server:
Storage path: C:\ProgramData\Turbo\Containers
Container storage path: C:\Users\matt\AppData\Local\Turbo\Containers\sandboxes
Browser redirection: enabled

# Switch storage path to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Turbo\Containers\repo\images
# Keep container storage path in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Turbo\Containers\sandboxes

# Sets the image repository storage path to C:\ProgramData\Turbo\Containers for all users
> turbo config --image-path=allusers --all-users

Enable Turbo Drive

Turbo Drive is a special drive (T:) mounted in your system, which allows you to access your cloud storage accounts. Turbo Drive requires WinFSP to be installed in the system, and a Cloud Storage accounts to be configured in the Turbo Server. Turbo Drive uses a persistent cache to make working with the cloud files faster. The cache is located in the encrypted (EFS) folder at %TEMP%\TURBO\cmd\turbo-drive.

To enable Turbo Drive, run turbo config --enable=TurboDrive.

Resetting Config Settings

The configuration settings for Turbo can be reset to their default values by issuing the config command with the --reset flag.

JSON output

When --format=json option was passed this command will provide output in JSON format. It will contain either a configuration object with information about configuration or an error object if command failed.